Entertainment Magazine Codes + Conventions - Covers

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On a typical Magazine Cover a reader may find, for example on Entertainment Weekly magazines, between two and four sell lines. On the right in the Robert Downey Jr. issue of the magazine there are few sell lines. This means the magazine is less cluttered and easier to read, it is not as overwhelming as a fashion or gossip magazine which may be full of information and bright colours.
One convention of a magazine cover which is followed on the Entertainment Weekly magazines is it has large strap line on the page which explains to the reader whom the celebrity is or what the theme of the cover or film presented on the page is. This is to give the reader information on what they may read about inside the magazine and excite them with details of the action packed pages even before they open the issue.On the Downey Jr. Entertainment magazine cover directly after his name, which is presented to the reader in large white lettering so they know exactly whom he is, there is information on the new Iron Man film to explain to the reader exactly where to find the celebrity on other formats of media. The idea that the film is the 'greatest comeback' in years may hook in the readers whom have enjoyed Avengers films in the past but may not have considered going to view the new film in the cinemas until this point. It also presents to the reader that the film will be a success and worth viewing as the Entertainment writers, whom obviously have lots of knowledge on film, felt it was the 'greatest' return of Iron Man films in years.
Also on this issue, one of the strap lines, in the bottom right corner, explains to the reader that the Entertainment magazine have narrowed down many popular entertainers into the top '25' in their opinion. Fans of comedy or programmes with an animated and popular host or presenter may be interested to see whom the magazine company, whom seem to have lots of knowledge on television and film, deem to be the best '25 Entertainers of the year' in 2008. The reader can then decide whether or not they agree with their choices in the list. The number '25' is particularly large which informs a reader with little knowledge on presenters that there are many successful presenters whom they should discover. Once again this encourages the viewer of the magazine cover to read on in the magazine to find out more about their top 25 presenters and the new Iron Man film to be released in cinemas.
Another convention these covers follow of a typical magazine cover is the celebrities presented on the covers are using direct address to grab the attention of the reader as they look at the magazine on a rack in a newsagent or supermarket. But one of the celebrities shown on the Harry Potter issue of Entertainment Weekly is looking to the left, this may make the reader wonder what he is looking at in the distance and if this is a subtle hint from the magazine company or film producers that the character may be in danger or there may be unexpected events in the new Fantastic Beasts film. This will urge the reader to go and see the new film at the cinema to find out more, especially if they were past fans of the Harry Potter films. The sell line which presents the idea the new film to be released includes 'untold stories' on the topic of 'Harry Potter' may inform a reader that this new film is related to the popular book and film series if they were not already aware. This may encourage the reader to pick up the magazine or even visit the cinema that week, meaning the production company and the magazine company would benefit from this use of celebrities on their magazine cover. This is one of the reasons magazine companies such as Entertainment present well known films or celebrities on their covers. Also many models on the front covers of magazines heads, especially on Entertainment Magazine 'Empire' and 'Entertainment Weekly' overlap sections of the magazine masthead/title, as seen on the cover above. I will make sure I follow this convention on my covers.
